Yeast Colony Transformations
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Fast and convenient transformation protocol for fission yeast. This method is not as efficient as the Yeast Chemical Transformations or the Yeast Electoporation Transformation. The cells are grown on a plate to form a colony that is then scraped of the medium, resuspended in transformation medium and immediately used for transformation.
- Suspend cells of the to-be-transformed strain in sterile saline or water
- Pipette the cells on YES in 10µl droplets
- Incubate the plate for 24-48 hours at 32°C to form a fat colony of about 5mm
- Prepare a tube with 50µl PLATE mixture.
- 50% Polyethylene glycol (PEG)‐4000
- Lithium Acetate 100mM
- 10 mM Tris-HCl
- 1mM EDTA
- Scrape the cells of the plate with a sterile toothpick and suspend in the PLATE
- Add 5µl ssDNA and mix
- Add plasmid and/or Homologous DNA (about 1 µg) and mix
- Incubate for 4h at 32°C
- Place on ice for 15 min
- Heatshock the mix at 42°C for 15 minutes
- Centrifuge the cells at 1600 x g for 3 min at room temperature (RT).
- Remove supernatant and re-suspend the cells in 1 ml
- Reduce the added supplements (e.g. leucine, adenine etc) to 10% of the standard amount.
- Incubate at RT for ~16h
- Spin down the cells at 1600 x g for 3 min, RT and remove supernatant
- Resuspend cells in 100 μl water and spread them on YES plates with appropriate selective agent (1 in 1000 Nourseothricin (100 μg/μl) or 1 in 500 G418 (50mg/ml)).
- Incubate at 32°C for at least 3 days (but more likely 4 to 5)